
Gavin Launder - Strategy Advisor


Gavin began his career in advertising as a freelance copywriter and account manager. In 1998, he started a commodities brokering company specialising in stock rationalisation consultation and brokerage. After finishing numerous programmes for quasi state and private organisations, he moved into the consulting arena.

A passion for skills development and strategy phase projects lead him to join Deloitte Consulting in 2005. As part of the Talent and Leadership division, he concentrated on scale recruitment projects and skills development through school-based interventions.

Gavin joined Kommunity group Projects in 2008 after being approached by Kommunity Group’s Founder. From an initial start in the Sales & Marketing, he has moved up to his present position as Head of Strategy for the Tutudesk Campaign, where he is accountable for charting the strategic direction of the organisation, and co-formulation of sponsor strategies incorporating current and future products and services.